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Email about annotated records

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:28 pm
by iuseamac
I (Bishop of the ward) received an email with a subject line of "Confidential Record Notification" from that read as follows:

"This email is to notify you that [secretary's name] tried to record a home or visiting teaching assignment for a member who has an annotation on his or her membership record. The member’s record number is xxx-xxxx-xxxx."

What am I supposed to do with this? The person with that MRN has an annotated record, so this may be what generated the email. I don't know if 1) anybody else's record will generate this message or 2) what message the secretary received.

Can anybody enlighten me? Thx.

Re: Email about annotated records

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:35 am
by scgallafent
The secretary got a message that "the bishop must record this assignment." There have been a couple of threads about the other side of this, such as this one and this one. The message is telling the secretary that the assignment can't be recorded and it needs to be brought to you. If you try to record the assignment, you will get additional details on why the assignment was not allowed.

You should probably visit with the organization president about the assignment that was being recorded.