Why is the WiFi not Working?

Using the Church Webcasting System, YouTube, etc. Including cameras and mixers.
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Why is the WiFi not Working?


Post by lajackson »

I just could not contain myself. This is from the Deseret News. Tad Walch is an excellent reporter, but apparently he does not have much experience with regional webcasting.

This is a small excerpt. Here is the complete article.

Deseret News, May 18, 2019.
The Wi-Fi ate my story!
So it was a night of stress for Deseret News reporter Tad Walch and photojournalist Ravell Call who were in Samoa to report on the visit of the leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to this island nation . . .

"We couldn't send our story and pictures because the staff here (at the site of the church devotional) apparently turned off the Wi-Fi to get more bandwidth to broadcast the meeting to meetinghouses around the island," Walch said. But no one told them that.
I do believe that the most important step in preparing for a webcast is to turn off the Wi-Fi first.
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