Java Stack 3.1 Released

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Java Stack 3.1 Released


Post by YoungstromMJ »

The Java Stack team is pleased to announce the release of Stack 3.1. This release includes a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

It is recommended that everyone schedule an upgrade to this version of the Java Stack in a near future iteration.

The following is a summary:
• Maven 3. The Stack has been upgraded to use Maven 3. Use of Maven 3 is now required. Maven 3 is much faster and more stable than Maven 2.
• Hibernate upgraded to 3.6.1
• Documentation has been significantly refactored and a google search has been added to the reference documentation. The search results are currently very poor for our maven generated documentation. We’ll try and improve them over time.
• Tomcat upgraded to 6.0.32
• GWT upgraded to 2.2
• A database status MBean property has been added to simplify Nagios monitoring setup.
• Upgraded to IxF 1.0 rc1
To upgrade your application to Stack 3.1 simply change your stack-master parent pom to version 3.1 and follow the upgrade-guide.

For more detailed release notes please refer to our Jira change log.


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