Double Quotes Aren't Allowed

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Double Quotes Aren't Allowed


Post by mevans »

I was putting in lesson information for TFOT lessons after General Conference and found something interesting: Double Quote characters (") aren't permitted.

You get an error message:
Invalid characters detected. Please supply valid values for the fields highlighted in red.

Just for fun I tried some other characters. I found out that ampersand (&), <, and > are also illegal.

I got around the problem by using single quotes (') instead.

I understand why these characters might be invalid, but feel sorry for those who don't have a clue and run into this message. I was just copying from a conference talk title. I guess I'm surprised they didn't code to allow such characters.

Interestingly, some titles from manuals have quotes in them, but we don't have the ability to edit those. I guess they just didn't think to allow people to type those characters in the text box.

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