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Java Stack 3.2.8 Released

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:47 pm
by LundJR
Java Stack team is pleased to announce the release of Stack 3.2.8. This release is mostly a bugfix and update release.

Some of the more notable items in this release include:

* Improved support for the Selenium and functional testing, including initial support for using Selenium Grid and executing functional tests over multiple WebDrivers. Attend our training on February 27th to learn more about these new features.

* DB migrator has added some significant improvements, including a new SQL parser and and more robust drop functionality. For more details view DB Migrator's change log.

* Added log forge protection to Tomcat (STACK-4442)

* Http basic authentication support in Stack-RS.

* Additional minor improvements to Stack-WS and Stack-RS.

* Library Upgrades:
- Apache CXF 2.5.8
- ehcache 2.6.3
- GWT 2.5.0
- GWT Maven plugin 2.5.0
- Jackson 1.9.12
- Marklogic XCC 5.0.3
- Maven Surefire plugin 2.13
- Maven Failsafe plugin 2.13
- Oracle aqapi
- Selenium Webdriver 2.29.1
- Spring 3.1.4.RELEASE
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.35

For upgrade information please refer to our upgrade notes.

If you have any questions contact a member of the team.
