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Java Stack 3.2.6 Released!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:44 am
by YoungstromMJ
The Java Stack team is pleased to announce the release of Stack 3.2.6. This release contains several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. It is recommended that everyone upgrade at the beginning of their next development iteration to avoid running into already fixed bugs and to stay up to date on security fixes, etc.

Some of the more notable changes in this release include:
  • New T-Cat deployment plugin. This plugin utilizes a file based deployment to T-Cat that is significantly faster, more stable, and much simpler to manage and troubleshoot than the old deployment approach. Upgrading to 3.2.6 won’t automatically give you this new deployment plugin. After upgrading to 3.2.6 contact a member of the stack team to update your project to the new deployment approach.
  • IxF has been removed from MVC Stack Starter templates. This will make it easier for projects to add whatever view layer technology they wish to use for their project.
  • Added support for automatically using the WAM login screen selected locale as the spring MVC Locale.
  • Added option for warning/error message in tomcat and test-bundle projects notifying user that they have dependencies that are not optional. These project types should have all their dependencies marked as optional.
  • Upgraded Spring to 3.1.3. This upgrade is especially significant since it fixes Prior to this release several Stack 3.2 applications have had to use Spring 3.1.0 because of this regression. With this fix all Stack 3.2 projects should be able to upgrade to Spring 3.1.3 when upgrading to Stack 3.2.6.
  • Summary of Library Upgrades:
    • Spring Security 3.1.3
    • EhCache 2.6.0
    • Spring 3.1.3
    • Hibernate 4.1.8
    • TestNG 6.8
    • CXF 2.5.6
    • Jackson 1.9.10
    • Mockito 1.9.5
    • Slf4j 1.7.2
    • Cdol Constants 2012.09
To upgrade simply follow the upgrade notes for the version you are upgrading from. If you have any questions or problems simply contact a member of the Java Stack team.
