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LDsTech IDE 2.0.0 Released!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:17 pm
by YoungstromMJ
The Java Stack team is pleased to announce the release of the LDSTech IDE 2.0.0.

For information on what is new in this release you can view the New and Noteworthy.

Installation instructions and download links can be found on the Getting Started Guide.

Some more significant updates you should be aware of are:
  • This release must be installed from scratch. You cannot update from a 1.x version of the IDE.
  • This release will require a brand new from scratch eclipse workspace. Make sure you check-in all your existing code from your old one before upgrading.
  • We have completely eliminated our installer. The IDE is now provided as a compressed file. That doesn’t mean that to install all you need to do is unzip. We recommend perusing the updated Getting Started Guide for more.
  • This release requires Java 7. That doesn’t mean your Stack projects are required to use Java 7. View the Getting Started Guide for instructions on how to add multiple JDKs to your eclipse workspace.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact a member of the Java Stack team.
