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Temple Ordinances Screen

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:34 pm
by albin.s.dittli
From the home screen in nFS click on Temple Ordinances. You are now on the screen that I am talking about.

Some time this summer (August 2009) there was an update to nFS that changed this page. I think the old one had less bugs.

There is now a list of all the individuals that I have reserved for ordinance work. But since I have claimed so many legacy contributions, I have to click the more link 10 times before I can see them all at once. We need an option to select how many names show on each page. (Or better yet, I would like to filter it to only show females, or only show individuals who need baptisms.)

There is a check box in the first column. You can select several individuals with this box and click the "Print Request" button to create an FOR to take to the temple. Or you can click on the "Remove" button. The problem is that a number of the names on my list don't have the check box. Can someone explain why this is?

Also, what does the "Remove" button do?


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:43 pm
by aebrown
Albin wrote:Also, what does the "Remove" button do?
Every page in New FamilySearch has a "Help with this page" link in the upper right corner. If you click that on the Temple Ordinances page, you'll see that one of the questions is: "How do I remove an individual from the list of names I submitted?" If you follow that link, you'll see that when you check some boxes and then click the Remove button:
The individuals are removed from your list, and other users of this system may now choose to do the ordinances.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:19 am
by albin.s.dittli
Thank you Alan for that information about the purpose of the Delete button.

I'm still looking for some reason why some names on the list can not be selected.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:06 pm
by garysturn
There will be some changes to the Temple Screen in December when the next update is released. It is being beta tested now. The changes include an Unreserve link and a Reassign link. I don't have any names in my list that do not have a check mark box by them, so I can't help there. Maybe these changes will allow you to unreserve the names without check boxes.

You can click on the column heading to sort the names loaded by that heading. I noticed that clicking on the Ordinance Status heading sorts the names not printed to the top.

Here is a screen shot of the beta:
