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Electronic Membership Information File

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:35 pm
by Thaiboyzdad
Missionaries in our ward keep notes on contacts with members. They have a hard copy of the ward list and write on those pages. Each quarter, they are required to reprint the ward list. This also requires them to transfer previous notes to the new records. This is rather cumbersome. We would like to create an electronic version of the same, where they can enter information on members they contact, so that they don't have to copy those notes over, and so that ward leadership can access and view those notes.

The intent is to use the ward clerk computer in the ward clerk office, where the computer is password protected, the room is locked, and the actual document has password protection.

Has anyone built a spreadsheet/tool that does this? We potentially would add hobbies, interests, geographic information, etc., as well, since we have that information for members as well.

Thoughts, concerns, comments?

Re: Electronic Membership Information File

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:57 pm
by jdlessley
thaiboyzdad wrote:The intent is to use the ward clerk computer in the ward clerk office, where the computer is password protected, the room is locked, and the actual document has password protection.
The Handbook should be followed when dealing with membership records or confidential information about members. Where approved, MLS is used for membership record keeping. The MLS database is stored on the administrative computer’s hard drive. Other confidential files should not be stored on the hard drive. They should be saved on external media and locked in storage,such as the locked filing cabinet, when not in use. (ref: Policies and Guidelines for Computers Used by Clerks for Church Record Keeping)

With that in mind, I recommend any notes on contacts with members be kept on USB removable media. The missionaries can carry that with them but use the programs installed on the computer to manage that information. I would still encrypt the files just in case the USB drive is lost. I would also recommend a backup copy be kept and locked in storage in case the working USB drive is lost.

Re: Electronic Membership Information File

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:27 am
by marianomarini
thaiboyzdad wrote:Has anyone built a spreadsheet/tool that does this?
You can do it by yourself exporting MLS data as CVS file and then import them into a Spreadsheet.
Remember jdlesley advice about secure exported data, expecially encryption.