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Member record moved into our ward but does not belong

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:56 pm
by JeffWolfington
I received a membership record this week for the ex-wife of one of our ward members. This woman does not live in our ward nor at the address given which is the address of our member, her ex-husband and his current wife and two kids. It would appear that the previous ward found this member online and moved her records to our ward and his address. How can I undo/ reject this action?

Re: Member record moved into our ward but does not belong

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:06 pm
by russellhltn
First, I'd ask the ex if he knows where she is. If so, take that information and move it to the proper ward.

If not, I think I'd be tempted to use "special request" to say "Return to prior ward - the address listed is her ex-husband. He doesn't know where she is."

I suppose you could go though the process of sending her to Address Unknown, but that would be missing a teaching moment for the prior ward - and they've probably nearly completed the process anyway.

Re: Member record moved into our ward but does not belong

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:08 pm
by jdlessley
Before trying to take any action with the record I would contact the previous unit by phone or by e-mail and explain the situation as you understand it. Perhaps they will then realize they made an error. If there is no correct address for the record moved into your unit and the previous unit has completed the 8 steps to locating the member, but perhaps made a poor assumption, then they may be willing to take the record back. Or you can send the record back without an actual address and allow them to continue searching for the member's correct address. It is possible the previous unit was using the only address they could find when going through the 8 steps for the member's "address unknown" procedures without knowing what you know.