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How to change head household in this situation

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:11 am
by forresthickman
Hi Everyone;

i have a situation where there was a divorce many years ago. the husband was also excommunicated during that time, but he is still listed as the head of household with is former spouse and child.

before i talked to his former wife on the phone tonight, i didn't realize that he had been excommunicated until she told me, so i tried to see if i could move him out to his new address (not realizing that he had been excommunicated), but it wouldn't let me. i'm not even sure if the divorce was recorded those many years ago. if someone is excommunicated, and the marriage is dissolved, aren't their records removed permanently?

how do i go about removing his name?

i'd appreciate any help.
thank you

Re: How to change head household in this situation

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:41 am
by russellhltn
Odds are that MLS knows he's a non-member given that you can't move him out. (Non-members can't be moved).

I'd process the divorce and if needed "move" the wife and the children out to a new household (at the same address - if she's still there). Then you should be able to delete the non-member husband who is now in his own household.

But first, you might want to record the HT visits so you can put them back on the new household.