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Previous Other transactions locked.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:16 pm
by drstuart
Before the CUBS transformation my other accounts were balanced. I've read in the forum a lot of people had problems afterwards. I've tried to sort them all out by making sure the expenses prior to the update are linked to the corrected other subcategories. My problem now is that we have a public family history center that took donations to the other fund for micro film. These expenses all came from the parent other category after the update. All these transactions are locked and won't allow me to change their origination point. Now I have a parent other category that is in the hole and a family history center account that has more money than it should and I need to balance them so I can transfer funds to a different ward now caring for the family history centers funds. Anyone know how I can either unlock the previous tranfers or simply account for them in a money transfer.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:48 pm
by mlh78
I would suggest simply doing a transfer from the FHC account to the parent account to bring it up to zero (or where it should be) and then writing a check for the amount remaining in the FHC account to the ward now handling the center.