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Question about making checks to members (not reimbursements)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:28 pm
by eduardomendivil
Is it correct to make a check for a member in charge of an activity in case he (she) is not able to pay for the items by himself (herself)? (and getting the receipts afterwards).
A few years ago, when in a different ward, I needed to buy something for an activity but I didn't have any extra money, so I remember I had to go to the store I was buying the items at, requested a quote for what I needed, took it to the ward clerk and finally got a check payable to the store for the amount quoted (exaclty what I needed to spend). After getting the items I turned the receipt to the clerk and that was it.

Which is correct?

Re: Question about making checks to members (not reimbursements)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:38 pm
by russellhltn
As I understand it, either way is acceptable. But I'm not finding much in the way of information explaining how to do an advance.

Re: Question about making checks to members (not reimbursements)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:49 pm
by eduardomendivil
Found the answer here:

It looks like any way is correct, however, I think just making the check to the member is way easier.

Thank you.