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Quarterly report - do we count non-members?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:36 am
by farranfitz
Would it be ok to count non-members or out of unit members in the quarterly report? e.g. we have a couple of young men who have been regularly attending Priesthood meetings but are not yet baptised.

Re: Quarterly report - do we count non-members?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:47 am
by russellhltn
I believe the directions indicate that nonmembers are not to be counted.

Re: Quarterly report - do we count non-members?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:02 am
by aebrown
On the quarterly report, line 16 is labeled "Total Young Men"; it represents the actual number of young men in that category with membership records in the unit as of the last day of the the reporting quarter.

The next line is the one you enter, and it is labeled "Total young men attending priesthood meetings." The help for that line says "Record the number of young men with a membership record in your unit (indicated on line 16) who attended at least one priesthood meeting during the last month of the quarter."

So the reporting is based on the specific list of young men who are represented by line 16. You are to report on line 17 how many of the young men listed on line 16 attended. If you understand that principle, then it's clear that you don't report on nonmembers, visitors, former members of the ward who moved out a couple of days before the quarter ended, etc.

And of course this principle applies to all the class and quorum attendance figures (sacrament meeting attendance follows quite different rules). The denominator is a number based on your membership records and cannot be changed; the numerator is the number you report and is based on the particular people that make up the denominator.