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Ensuring Employment Specialists Have Access to Using MLS

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:24 pm
by PartridgeRM
The Church Member and Leader Services (MLS) program is becoming a more integral part of other church programs and applications. Based upon the callings recorded in MLS, leaders will (or will not) have access to websites that are applicable to them.

Ward and stake leaders may only access the leader section of if they are recorded correctly in MLS. Many leaders, especially employment specialists, have been entered incorrectly and are unable to access the leader section of The most common error has been selecting (or creating) a non-standard calling (distinguished by an orange dot in the list of callings) in place of one of the standard employment specialist callings (distinguished by a gold star in the list of callings). Please see step 6 in the instructions below for clarification.

To enter ward or stake employment specialist correctly in MLS, follow these steps (see attachment for screenshots):
  1. Open MLS.
  2. Under the Organizations heading click "More".
  3. Under Bishopric/Other Callings click "Other Callings".
  4. At the top of the box click "Add Position".
  5. Click the "Select" button to the right of Positions.
  6. Find and click on the gold starred Employment Specialist* label; if you choose a label with an orange dot it will not allow the person in the calling to properly access
  7. Click the "Select" button under heading Person Being Called to find the member called to the position.
  8. Click "Save" once the member has been selected.
  9. Click the Calendar icon and select the date they were set apart in the calling, then click OK.
  10. Click the "Send/Receive Changes" button at the bottom of the page to finish.
  11. Note: It typically takes a day before the new calling is registered on the individual's account in
* The starred label for a ward or branch is "Employment Specialist"; for a district, "District Employment Specialist"; for a stake, "Stake Employment Specialist"

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:47 pm
by techgy
I would add that this same rule is also applied across the board to all callings in a unit (ward/branch/stake). Individuals whose calling has been entered incorrectly will find that they are unable to access church web sites that relate to their calling.

This specifically applies to leadership in a ward/branch or stake. Whenever a calling is entered into the MLS software care should be taken to always check to determine if a standard calling is available. Custom (non-standard) callings should be used only if nothing else can be found.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:33 am
by azwelkers
We have a couple as employment specialists. They are not a custom calling. They cannot however access the leaders portion of What type of troubleshooting she we try to allow them access?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:14 pm
by aebrown
azwelkers wrote:We have a couple as employment specialists. They are not a custom calling. They cannot however access the leaders portion of What type of troubleshooting she we try to allow them access?

A couple of thoughts:
  • Login to CDOL and make sure that they have a standard calling of "Employment Specialist" (it will be in black letters if it is a standard calling in CDOL, orange if it is a custom calling).
  • Note that it can take some time (a couple of days) for the calling data to propagate from MLS to CDOL to the site -- don't expect it to be instantaneous.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:50 pm
by azwelkers
Thanks for the fast reply. I have verified that it is not a custom calling. The individuals have been in the calling for 4 years. We reinput them at the changeover to the new system. We will wait a day or two and try again. Just to verify we removed them from the calling, updated, then reentered them in the calling followed by another update.
I'll update the thread if it doesn't work out.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:52 am
by rickdez
Does anyone know how to add the member of the high council over welfare in MLS so they can access LDSJOBS. Would we give him a dual calling as Stake Employment Specialist? I know it has to be a standard calling to give him access. I don't see a standard calling in the high council that would grant rights to get into the LDSJOBS website.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:36 am
by aebrown
rickdez wrote:Does anyone know how to add the member of the high council over welfare in MLS so they can access LDSJOBS. Would we give him a dual calling as Stake Employment Specialist? I know it has to be a standard calling to give him access. I don't see a standard calling in the high council that would grant rights to get into the LDSJOBS website.
Yes, that's exactly how it needs to be done. We did that in our stake for the high councilor over employment, and it did give him access to ldsjobs.

Employment Specialists does not have access

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:25 pm
by mmacconnell
I have someone that I have verified as being listed under the Stanard Calling of Employment Specialists. He has been in this calling for over a year. When he logs in he does not have the option to select the "fulfill calling as a Ward Leader or Ward Employment Specialist." I have tried to remove him from the Standard Calling in MLS, wait a week, and put it back in but it still will not work.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:02 pm
by russellhltn
I'd check the CDOL to see if he's correctly listed there.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:04 pm
by lajackson
Besides making sure the person is in the correct calling in MLS, our bishop had to authorize his ward employment specialist at the employment site, and our stake president had to do the same for the stake employment specialist. It was a two step process for each of them.