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Danish Family Search

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:13 am
by 1968leocomeeatabite
Recently became aware of this web site: Danish Family Search A recently returned missionary from Denmark pointed this out to my daughter.
1. Is this a website our church maintains?
2. When was it established? How long has it been operating?
3. Where can I find information about this site?
4. Would this question be better served in a forum operated by Family Search? Could you direct me to a forum for Family Search?

Thank you much.

PS I just did a little poking around and I assume that this might not be part of what the church is doing.

Re: Danish Family Search

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:27 am
by russellhltn
I doubt if it's done by the church. InterNIC shows the register is "CRAZY DOMAINS FZ-LLC". Not what I'd expect for a church site.

The website itself says "Danish Family Search is a registered trading name of United Online Pty Ltd."

There's also ads on the page.

Re: Danish Family Search

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:04 am
by Frb.Henrik
it is a private site run by the family Nicolaysen -you can find out more by clicking the About-button in the top!
the site is quite popular and good; the adds they try to keep to a minimum -it is not a church-site though