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Need to Share 5+ Yrs of YSA Comm Data with LDSTech

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:30 pm
by JaceGalloway
To whom it may concern,

I am trying to get in touch with my connection at LDS Tech (I think he's the Database Admin) but have been experiencing trouble getting ahold of him recently. My connection in the MTC is their Technical Director on the Business side and he said he would try to figure out who I need to talk to at LDSTech but in the mean time post here.

A short summary of my Data is:
It's been collected from about half a decade of working with my YSA in the Escondido CA Stake.
I created an SMS broadcast system years before CES started and figured out an efficient and free system for our ward a few years ago.
I also am the person who started using Facebook Groups for the first time outside of Utah when the few in Utah were transitional at best from Pages or Profiles.
You can see that the Escondido stake is the epicenter of YSA Facebook Groups and see how it spread through the times started, I have all that data on how and why it spread the way it did.
Also Palomar YSA was and I believe still is the only YSA group that is not overrun by spam or troll posts by it's own or other members.
I have been out of the control process since this summer when I gave it over to a friend who asked to manage the Official Group and Ward Member Group even though it had been running with almost no tweaking for about a year since I had moved to Orange County.
I had set up a process of training and education for Admins and a Hierarchy system for Admins and how to post that has become self-sustainable without my direction, input, or involvement. Most of which was modeled after how to church hierarchy operates.
The SMS system I used for that ward is still in place, it is far easier to sign up for, it is better encrypted than the Chruch CES, it is more private since no one is giving anyone their number, it has a lot more features, also it has a better UI, it doesn't run into the same problem with formatting that the CES system does, and also it's 100% free.

A short summary of me:
I'm a Marketing & Business Development VC and am trained in doing this kind of technology setup in SMB corporations. I implemented these talents as practice while I was learning and these systems are now autonomous without my involvement. I focus on business automation and natural business growth in work so the focus was to set something up that people would use, could run on it's own eventually, and wouldn't cost anything ever.

I've realized over the years in my 10 years membership in the church and 7 or so years in the YSA that no one in a stake level understands what I do... I am pretty sure my bishop told my next bishop, "Don't release him but also you probably won't be able to understand what his calling does for the ward if you have him explain... so just let him do his thing and you will start to understand what he does by seeing it in action after about 6 months."

So after realizing I can't expect my local leaders to understand what I do enough to know that the Church is still trying to figure out how to do today what I did 5 years ago. I can't rely on getting noticed without speaking up, because when I went to OC my help was rejected when I offered to assist the Facebook problems and set up SMS... they said they don't like those features and are trying not to focus on them. Which makes sense because if you have never seen something work correctly how can you expect it to be fixed or even know that it needs to be fixed.

So here is an opportunity. I have over half a decade of data on Social Media, outbound Mobile Marketing, and organizational data that I want to donate to the church, I would also be willing to consult when I move up to Utah on implementation of the data and integration to existing systems or even offer to help write up training materials for wards. I am not looking for a job but at the same time as an entrepreneur who is always looking for a new fulfilling venture... assisting the Chruch on this would be a dream. I could have stopped my "calling" for this at any time, I moved twice and still helped out my ward, I love doing this and would love to do it on a level that could help every ward (not just YSA) in the world. I love to serve where my talents are most useful to the lord and miss this work dearly, which is why it was like pulling teeth for my friend to pry the Ward Facebooks from my control... if you think I can still help, let me know how.

Please reach out to me ASAP if possible, this acount has my membership record tied to it, which has my personal cell phone on the user account, please call me any time before 10p PST or anytime after 7a PST