Streaming Video

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Streaming Video


Post by Cra-Z-p40 »

The new streaming video engine is awesome and reminiscent of BYUTV's technology. I wish we could take it a step further and have many archives available to stream just as BYUTV does with many past devotionals and episode. It's really a shame that each new conference available for streaming just replaces the previous one. Also, the formats for conferences online have just been left as it, it would be awesome if we could go back and stream the older conferences with the new technology.

I think it would be amazing if we could dig into the archives and make all the conference footage that exists available for streaming. Of course, all one step at a time. :-P

One thing I've noticed on is that it is somewhat lacking unity between different medias and languages. I think if I am reading a talk or a scripture and audio or video of the text is available that information should be clear on the page I am reading and vice-versa. It would also be really nice if there were just a simple switch to change from language to language when reading or viewing something.

I look forward to seeing the media player better integrated into the site.

Thanks for your consideration! :-)
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