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"https" badge in Safari

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:39 am
by sbradshaw
I'm not sure if this is a Safari (web browser) bug or something wrong with, but I'm posting it here in case it is an problem...

Safari usually shows a little "https" badge with a padlock icon to the left of the URL when you are logged in to a web site. The badge shows up on and on the tools, but not on the homepage. It also doesn't show up on But if I copy/paste the URL, I can see that it does indeed have an https:// in front of it. And, looking at the top of the page, I can see that I'm logged in.

It's handy to have the badge because it's a simple indicator from anywhere on the site that I'm logged in. (It wouldn't be so much of a problem not seeing the badge if Safari didn't hide the protocol handler in the first place, which is kind of annoying.)

Re: "https" badge in Safari

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:58 am
by russellhltn
I was going to suggest that doesn't have to be https, but in testing with IE, it seems to always default that way.

But something else I noticed is that IE prompted me saying that not all content was https and did I want to display the non-secure information? Perhaps that's doing something to Safari.