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Formatting of Birth Place in MLS

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:30 pm
by rbeede
For the U.S. what is the expected format for the Birth Place line in MLS?

I know in MLS it shows "City, County, State" and a separate line for the country now. I don't have the MLS help in front of me now so I don't remember if it gives specific examples. Out of the following which would be correct or are all of them correct:

1. New York, New York County, New York

2. New York, New York, New York

3. City of New York, County of New York, State of New York

4. Some other combination of the above?

Does CHQ publish any preferred standard format (reference please) or is it more like with phone numbers where it can be a varying format?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:14 pm
by jdlessley
Birth place is not a required field in MLS. As such there is no documented required format. ThePlace names in MLS thread back in 2009 discusses the issue of how to display place names.