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Posting Emergency Ward and Stake Plans on Web sites

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:18 am
by CraigShull
Does anyone know if there is a place or a way to post Emergency Prepardness Plans for wards and stakes on the individual web sites?

Thank you for listening!

Craig Shull

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:58 am
by aebrown
craigshull wrote:Does anyone know if there is a place or a way to post Emergency Prepardness Plans for wards and stakes on the individual web sites?

The Ward and Stake Websites are now called "Classic" Ward and Stake Websites, but they remain our only option for everything except directory and calendar information (which have been replace by new modules on on the Tools menu). One feature of the ward and stake websites is "News & Information"; a website administrator can create a News & Information item that includes a PDF attachment containing your Emergency Preparedness Plan. Each ward, as well as the stake, has a separate area for News & Information.

There will be a new module replacing the classic News & Information feature sometime this year, but in the meantime, the classic feature should work just fine.

Note that everyone in the stake can see these attachments, so be aware of that if you are tempted to include any sensitive information.