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Custom collections

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:17 pm
by charle_eo
I seem to lack the imagination needed to make custom collections in the android app useful. When I teach, I have four screens that I flip between (the manual for both teacher and student, and at least two references). I thought maybe custom collections would allow me to organize all the points I wanted to make in one place (the relevant text from my chosen references, the scriptures I want to touch on, the family discussion topic that I want to subliminally transfer to the class, the quotes from the teacher manual - all in one scrollable file). That didn't happen.

What was it's intended use?

Re: Custom collections

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:28 am
by lmcguire
I use a custom collection to put shortcuts to the items I use the most: the manual for the class I teach, the manuals for the classes I'm in, the most-recent general conference. The vast majority of the time, these are what I access. The rest of the time, what I access is usually a one-off, rare, or occasional read. (This probably sounds like bookmarks, but I use bookmarks the way I use paper bookmarks - a very temporary place holder for something I plan to read soon and then remove or move to a new place. I change what's in collections once a year - or every 6 months for conference.)

For what you describe, I think the multiple screens feature or links would work better. I use multiple screens for items that I _might_ need, but don't have a specific point in the lesson where I want to use them. I use links for things I know I'll need at a specific point. (After the lesson is over, I usually delete these links from the lesson page.) Another option is to bookmark each if the items you will or might use, but that doesn't seem as convenient to me - your mileage may vary.

Custom collections won't let you toggle between items as quickly as the other three (multiple screens, links, bookmarks), but it does let you avoid scrolling on the homepage and "drilling down" in another collection to get to something you frequently access...

