New Game Idea - Coder Needed

Gospel App & Game Contest in conjunction with previous LDSTech Conferences
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New Game Idea - Coder Needed


Post by DannyC »

I have an idea for a Gospel app but a coder is needed as I don't know coding and am too old to learn. By the time I learn it coding will be obsolete.

So, the idea for the "game" is WORD FIND. Just like in the books.

It needs to be in several flavors.

1 - Very Simple for the young ones. All blank spaces with the words still arranged in haphazard ways so it is easy for them to find. Probably 6 - 8 words max.

2 - Simple for not so young. Words are haphazard but spaces are comprised of just 3 letters. 10 Words Max

3 - Moderate - Standard haphazard words and letter fills but max of 10 words and random letter fills.

4 - Standard - Standard Haphazard words and letter fills but max of 25 words and random letter fills.

A - These can be downloaded filled out at a web site that constantly fills them with random gospel words, and complete sayings (finding the sayings words). Download and they are ready to play.

B - The game can be downloaded and a separate screen is available for people to fill in the names and the computer generates the haphazard placement and uses degree of difficulty to fill in the empty spaces.

I can be contacted directly

Danny Comsa

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