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Indexing software virus?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:49 am
by cortecds
Norton Anti-Virus detects a virus when I download the indexing software found here:
It removes the download when I go to install it.
I disabled Norton to install it but lds techs may want to look into it.

Re: Indexing software virus?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:16 pm
by Mikerowaved
Thanks for the report. All AV programs will occasionally report a "false positive" for good programs. I believe this is the case here. It's not the fault of the development team, but rather of the Symantec definition files. As this becomes known to them, they will probably make tweaks to their definitions to avoid the false detection.

Just to be sure, I uploaded the file in question to, where they scanned it with 22 different AV programs. As you can see in the report, they all agreed the file is clean.

Re: Indexing software virus?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:55 pm
by cortecds
Yes the threat that it finds is based on "reputation" however when I have compiled and created my own software I do not get this threat. Here is the link to the description of the threat: ... os=windows

I am sure the software is clean as it comes straight from the LDS site. But since Norton is one of the largest AV out there this will prove to be a major problem and the average person will just not install it. We had a class on indexing in High Priests Group today and we installed it on 3 machines that all needed to disable Norton before it could be installed. 3 out of 5.
The link above gives the developers a link to submit the software to for Norton to whitelist it. Here is the direct link to that:

Re: Indexing software virus?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:46 pm
by Mikerowaved
Thanks for the additional details. I submitted a trouble ticket to the FamilySearch folks (#3099213) and referenced this thread in the report. Hopefully it will be forwarded to the proper software development people for review.