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Photo directory of members

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:45 pm
by bcutler-p40
Question: Our bishop would like to put together a ward directory with
photos. I've found some software on the web (put together for managing other church congregations) or could do this manually in Word or InDesign. Is there a way to import a ward list into a program like this? Is there a program you've used successfully to generate a membership photo directory?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:06 pm
by chadstephenson
This would be the thread to check out: photo directory here (Ward Photo Directory Template). Although, I am a fan of utilizing the tools we already have and the LUWS can do this fairly easily. The photos are small 135x180 & 50K max, but good enough. The photo directory on the LUWS can be printed or saved as ".mht" locally for easy access, or converted to pdf.