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Easiest Way to Get Raw Textual Data of Standard Works

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:02 pm
by brady.hunt

I'm totally new to the forum, so I hope my question isn't totally misplaced.

I'd like to do some data analysis on the raw textual data contained in the standard works.

For example, I'd like to answer the question, "How many times does the word <blah> occur in Section # <blah> of the D&C?".

I don't want to analyze anything other than the characters that are in the books. No foot notes or verse numbers or anything else, just the raw textual data of the standard works.

Can anyone recommend a good way to do this?

Re: Easiest Way to Get Raw Textual Data of Standard Works

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:02 pm
by lajackson
bradynielsenhunt wrote:Can anyone recommend a good way to do this?
Some of the older PC based Scriptures program will do it. I still have one on my desktop that I paid $5 for back around the year 2000 that will do exactly that. But I do not believe the program is being sold any longer. There were also some programs available back in the late 1990s that would do it.

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