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What happends if I become a President Or something Similar??

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:32 pm
by davidmarmolejo
OK lets say i would become President or something similar:

Could i had special acces To President Monson or any other apostol.
For counsil on how to Run the country or a City or State better?
( that would be preatty cool can you imagine!!!

Like If Mitt wins would that happend?? BTW Has President Monson
Said any comments on Romney?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:19 pm
by aebrown
I don't see what this topic has to do with LDSTech, but in any case, the Church has made its position quite clear. The official statement on Political Neutrality says: "The Church does not ... attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader."

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:36 pm
by gregwanderson
It is interesting to speculate but it would be little more than speculation. The most well-known, modern example of a U.S. president seeking spiritual direction from an LDS president was perhaps Lyndon Johnson's friendship with David O. McKay, although it might not have been well-known at the time. Even so, President McKay didn't give very specific direction on specific issues and I imagine that would be the case today, even if the President were a member of the church. I doubt Mitt Romney bothered the LDS leaders too much about issues he faced as a governor and I will speculate that, as a U.S. president, he would govern in a similar manner.