Teachers Can Edit Lesson Schedules

Discussions about the Lesson Schedules Tool
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Teachers Can Edit Lesson Schedules


Post by mevans »

I was surprised that one of our teachers just told me she was able to go in and edit the lesson schedules for her class. I didn't know this feature had been added.

I just set up the lesson schedule for her class. I don't know if she gets this permission because I added her as the teacher for the class or if it comes from her MLS calling as a teacher. I haven't had time to experiment with this yet (for example, can she edit all classes or just hers?).

I'm assuming it's because she's listed as the teacher for the class. Otherwise, the Lesson Schedules tool would have to match an MLS calling with a manual used for the class and there isn't a one-to-one relationship with that.

Has anyone else noticed this?
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Re: Teachers Can Edit Lesson Schedules


Post by mevans »

The teacher confirmed she can only edit her class.

It's nice to know this is possible. Now if they ever implement the feature to allow more than one teacher per class, it will work even better.

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