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View Teacher doesn't do what I would expect

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:56 pm
by mevans
When I look at the class schedules in the annual view and click on "View Teacher," nothing happens. I would have expected that the teacher for each class shows up next to the class (to the right of or below).

I figured out how it works, which isn't what I thought. If I've set a teacher for the whole class and hover over "View Teacher" I get a bubble that shows the teacher's name. If no teacher has been set for the overall class, I get a bubble that says "None". I didn't understand what "None" meant until I played with the feature a little more.

As "View Teacher" is next to other action-type buttons, I'd expected something different to happen.

This is just some feedback that what I see happen isn't what I would have expected.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:45 pm
by failproof
This was also previously discussed here and is being looked at for some possible changes in future releases.