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Multi-Unit Rolls

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:44 am
by cheneycm
I am cubmaster of a multi-unit "SuperPack", made up of 3 wards and 1 branch. I would like to create attendance rolls for our dens. However, I have no access to this feature in LCR, nor do I know if it would even be possible, given that we are drawing from 4 units in the church. I know I could just create them manually using excel or something like that. Would the Stake Primary Presidency Secretary have access to be able create a custom classes made up of 8, 9, & 10 year-old boys from the 4 units?

Re: Multi-Unit Rolls

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:55 am
by eblood66
There is no support for multi-unit rolls. The Stake Primary presidency does not have access to information on children in individual units either. I expect your most effective path would be to have each unit give you the information on their boys and then create your own roll.

Re: Multi-Unit Rolls

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:46 pm
by sbradshaw
You could have each unit's Primary presidency send the roll for their boys to you in PDF format, then you could print them all and staple them together. Though if there are only a few boys from each ward, just getting a list of their names from each unit may be simpler.