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Change date input in LUFAS

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:33 pm
by surf40
How do I convey to whoever writes the Local Unit Financial Auditing System (LUFAS) web page that they need to change how to input dates. Currently they have used the standard date input widget that pops up a calendar. That is OK, but the calendar aways defaults to the current date, and you NEVER need to input the current date when entering last years deposit dates, or checks you are auditing. So, to input a date from last year requires a click on the month, year, and then date.

Please change this to allow the person to enter the date manually (i.g. 7/12/14), this would save multiple mouse or clicks (or finger jabs on an IOS system). Or at the minimum have the calendar show the last date you input, as that mill minimize the number of clicks



Re: Change date input in LUFAS

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:30 pm
by surf40
Well, nobody replied to this, but apparently somebody was listening. I did my first audit today, and somebody took my suggestion and the calendar widget now comes up with the last date entered. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I'd like to believe that somebody in the IT dept is actually reading this!
