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Uploaded photos are oriented the wrong way

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:15 am
by kfletch
I've uploaded pictures to the on-line ward directory for the last couple of years without any problems. Now, the orientation in my windows "Pictures" file is fine, but when I upload, every picture turns sideways. Any suggestions?

Re: Uploaded photos are oriented the wrong way

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:24 am
by russellhltn
There are two aspects to photos: The photo itself and the tags that say how it's oriented. For example. a photo taken with a cell phone will always be taken the same way no matter how you hold the phone, but there's a tag in the photo that says which way the phone was held at the time.

Some viewers (like the viewer in the phone and most Apple products) will respect these tags. Most websites won't. And that's where the problem starts.

Some have reported that generally if you rotate the photo and rotate it back it will fix things so everyone will see it the same way.