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Export Directory to vcard for Google Contacts Import

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:52 pm
by nathangg
I know there is a cool Perl script that does this, and I just wrote up how to do it with LibreOffice, but I didn't like the LibreOffice solution and I like to have every Head of House AND spouse imported as a Google contact, so I re-did my exporter and I thought I'd share.

Here LDS CSV to VCARD converter written as an AutoIt script (and compiled into a .exe). The .au3 file is the source code (so if you are uncomfortable running a .exe then you can inspect the .au3 and even run the .au3 file if you have AutoIt installed).

Anyhow, the LDS tools app is better, but if you'd like to import the directory into your Google contacts, then this is another way to do it. (And you should test this first before importing it into your main google account... you can look at the .vcf file it creates and also test the import into a fake/test google account). I also set it up so it includes the relationship AND as a bonus it adds the children to the NOTE field.


Re: Export Directory to vcard for Google Contacts Import

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:06 pm
by apippin
You totally saved the day with this little program you wrote. I was pulling my hair out trying to get the directory imported into Google Contacts. LDS Tools is nice, but it is not integrated well into the phone. It also has a slow start up delay, and often requires an internet/data connection. Your tool enabled me to import the directory intelligently into my Google Contacts, enabling me to have it on many devices (including my desktop) where LDS Tools does not exist. Thanks!