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Receiving of Emails after moving boundaries

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:43 pm
by mmkids6
I have a former member of one of our Wards, that has moved out of the Stake and live in a totally different Stake and Ward, yet they continue to receive emails when we update the calendar, etc. It was my understanding that the calendar is membership and calling driven. When the membership moves to another Ward, the calendar should reflect the ward they are in only. The same should be true if the member changes Stakes. However this is not the case. Can you provide me with some assistance? is there something that I need to do on my end as the Technology Specialist, or does the member need to do something, or is the a programming issue? In addition, the member has never had a stake calling. All our calendars are based on calling, not individual names.

Re: Receiving of Emails after moving boundaries

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:09 pm
by russellhltn
The member needs to visit their calendar subscription page on At that point, the system should realize their home ward has changed and update the database.

Re: Receiving of Emails after moving boundaries

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:43 pm
by mmkids6
Thanks, we will see if that works