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Open Edit

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:21 pm
by etmaloy
I'm a website administrator, working with a ward missionary to create a calender for appointments with the missionaries. However, there does not seem to be a way to have it open for edit for people to sign up for their own appointments with the missionaries. Is there a way to specify that a calender is open-edit to members of the ward to allow event creation on that calender, or would it absolutely have to be funneled through the ward missionary group and the missionaries themselves after they were added as administrators?

Re: Open Edit

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:28 pm
by lajackson
etmaloy wrote:Is there a way to specify that a calender is open-edit to members of the ward to allow event creation on that calender, or would it absolutely have to be funneled through the ward missionary group and the missionaries themselves after they were added as administrators?
A calendar may only be edited by a calendar editor or an administrator. There is not an "open-edit" function.

Any member of the ward can view the calendar, of course, and many wards have a person keep the calendar updated as members call and indicate they are willing to feed the missionaries. In some wards, there is a member from each of the Relief Society, elders quorum, and high priests group who are able to add to the meal calendar.

Because missionaries are quite transient, you may wish to reconsider making the missionaries themselves calendar editors.