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Month View vs. Week View

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:35 pm
by mikehfowler
When I look at our ward calendar in the default "month" view, I can't see any activities - not even a line or a color strip, etc. But when I change it to week, I can see activities. Any ideas as to why?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:57 pm
by jdlessley
When in the month view you will only see events for your ward and for calendars to which you have subscribed are selected to be displayed.

To view events for your ward in month view you must:
  • Be subscribed to calendars (To manage subscriptions for all your calendars, go to Settings Image > Subscriptions. Alternatively, click the arrow next to a calendar and select Calendar Settings.
  • Have subscribed calendars set to be displayed by checking the box next to the name of the calendar in the "Subscribed Calendars" section in the page sidebar.
  • There must be events scheduled in any of the calendars to which you are subscribed in the month being viewed.
The week view has some additional capabilities that allows you to see all events scheduled for your location as well as all reservations. This will include events and reservations not only for your ward but for all wards using the location.

To see only events for your ward in the week view you should:
  • Remove the check mark for any locations listed in the "Locations" section in the page sidebar.
  • Make sure your subscribed calendars are checked in the "Subscribed Calendars" section in the page sidebar.
If the calendar is set to display only your ward events as described above, the events displayed in the week view should correlate with those displayed in the month view.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:59 pm
by russellhltn
In week view you activate a mode where you can see all activities at a given location - regardless of what ward they are for.

But in month view, there's a few things you need to look at:
  • Are any claendars checked for display? Look on the left side and make sure there are checked boxes as approrpate.
  • Are you subscribed to any calendars? Go to subscriptions and check.
  • It would seem unlikely, but are there any events on the calendars you are displaying? It's possible that your ward and stake haven't entered anything and you're simply seeing other wards when you switch to week view.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:14 am
by Gary_Miller
It could also be your ward is still doing all the scheduling of events throw the "Building Scheduler". If that is the case then everything could be being put in as a reservation and not an event, as most "Building Schedulers" don't have rights to add events. Also "Building Schedulers" can not add "Event Bookings" to your ward calendars unless they are a member of your ward and have calendar editor rights, or administrator rights.

Reservations don't show in the month mode but the show up in the week mode. You can tell if its a reservation because the body will be white and not a color. I see this happening in our stake allot, even those at the stake level, who should be training the wards, have not yet figured out the difference.