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Viewing ALL Events for a Building with multiple units

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:56 pm
by ericfred
We need the ability to view the calendar for our building and see all the events from each unit on a specific day without mimicking an event to see if there are any conflicts. And it would be wonderful if we could print that out.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:03 pm
by aebrown
ericfred wrote:We need the ability to view the calendar for our building and see all the events from each unit on a specific day without mimicking an event to see if there are any conflicts.

You can do this in Week view using the checkboxes under Available Locations as described in About Available Locations.
ericfred wrote:And it would be wonderful if we could print that out.
Unfortunately the selections made under Available Locations do not apply to the Print feature, so this view cannot be printed at this point.